ICKL Newsletter #5Dear reader reader, The 30th ICKL conference held in Beijing this Summer was very successful, gathering 62 delegates from Australia, Mainland China, Hong Kong SAR China, France, Hungary, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Serbia, UK, and USA. A big thank to on-site organizers, Tang Yi, Chen Qianqian, and all volunteers and staff of Beijing Normal University. 谢谢 ! A selection of photos of the conference has been posted on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/icklaban/ This Fall, we have several items on the ICKL agenda: - preparation of the ICKL Proceedings, to be released in 2018. - election of a member of the Research Panel. - election of members of the Board. - decision on the site for the next conference (2019), to be held in the Americas. More information will be sent to members in the coming weeks. Below are news items from ICKL and ICKL members. Yours, Marion Bastien, with Raphaël Cottin and Tom Brown
Technical Twister ! Beijing ConferenceThere were two technical presentations at the Beijing conference by Noëlle Simonet and Lynne Weber. Noëlle Simonet presented her pedagogical approach to floor work and Lynne Weber presented a paper on ice skating that considered the relationship between the edges of the skate and the ground. On behalf of the Research Panel, Victoria Watts and Béatrice Aubert presented a brief review of the principles used in tilt and rotation of the trunk. The presentation was notably enriched by reading sessions of Asian dances. As in 2015 in Tours, France, in Beijing there was also a session of questions and discussions organized around the main subjects of the week (relationship to the ground, use of objects and combinations of inclinations and rotations), thanks to contributions from several Fellows. Organization of the Research PanelAt the end of this year, Sandra Aberkalns completes her term on the Research Panel. The aim of this group, composed of 3 to 5 Fellows, is to act as the coordinating body for the Council in all "Technical Matters", and to be responsible for adequate preparation of technical materials to be presented at any meeting of the members of the Council. The ICKL would like to express its sincere thanks to Sandra for her invaluable assistance over the last four years in providing logistical support and technical expertise. A call for application will be released to Fellows shortly.
Other News & Upcoming Events Language of Dance Centre, UK 50th Anniversary and Dr Ann Hutchinson Guest’s 99th Birthday
October 28, 2017, Royal Academy of Dance, London (United Kingdom). https://www.lodc.org/50anniversary Irmgard Bartenieff: A Personal Journey through Dance
One-day symposium November 10, 2017 to celebrate Irmgard Bartenieff and TDPS Professor Karen Bradley at the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library (MSPAL) gallery at the University of Maryland. Speakers who worked with Bartenieff and Bradley will tell how their work has been impacted by their leadership. The day will end with a Movement Choir through MSPAL. https://www.lib.umd.edu/mspal/mspal-previews/summer-2017/irmgard Symposium Technik, Haltung, ZukunftOctober 13 to 15, 2017, at Folkwang, Essen (Germany). Including a lecture-demonstration on Sigurd Leeder, choreographer Karin Hermes. http://www.folkwang-uni.de/home/tanz/aktuell/symposium-folkwang-tanz/ Scholarships, Awards
ICKL member Raymundo Ruiz (Mexico) received a scholarship from Erasmus Mundus to join the two-year Choreomundus Master programme (https://www.ntnu.edu/studies/choreomundus). Raymundo will be in “Cohort 6”, starting September 2017 and finishing August 2019. ICKL member Sungu Okan (Turkey) received a three-month scholarship from the Embassy of France in Turkey to conduct research and follow notation classes for her PhD at Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris. ICKL Fellow Karin Hermes (Switzerland) received the Cultural Mediation Prize 2017 from the canton of Bern. ICKL Fellow Billie Mahoney (USA) is the 2017 winner of the Champion Award, nominated by Kansas City Ballet and unanimously approved by the Board of Directors of DanceUSA in Washington. D.C. ICKL Fellow Tom Brown (Hong Kong) will receive an honorary doctorate from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts on October 23. The Hong Kong Chief Executive will present the award.
Publications, Theses & Scores A Selection from the Sigurd Leeder HeritageBy Ann Hutchinson Guest. The book contains written descriptions and Labanotation scores of 10 dances; a CD of the accompanying music is included. https://www.dancebooks.co.uk/a-selection-from-the-sigurd-leeder-heritage-p-410.html Movement Symbolisation Out of Kinetography LabanThe books of Jacqueline Challet-Haas published by Centre national de la danse are now available in PDF format. http://www.lespressesdureel.com/auteur.php?id=2702&menu=4 Newly released in the same collection, Challet-Haas’ book on Motif translated into English: Movement Symbolisation Out of Kinetography Laban. http://www.lespressesdureel.com/ouvrage.php?id=5623 Studia ChoreologicaThe newly released volume XVIII of Studia Choreologica (Poznań, Poland) includes articles from Tomasz Nowak, Egil Bakka, Marion Bastien, Jacqueline Challet-Haas, Irene Loutzaki, Jennifer Shennan, Placida Staro, in memoriam of the late Professor Roderyk Lange. https://www.facebook.com/PolskieForumChoreologiczne/ Culture et Recherche“Du signe-trace au signe-création”, article by Marion Bastien in Culture et Recherche n°135, magazine from the Ministry of Culture. Available online. http://www.culturecommunication.gouv.fr/Thematiques/Enseignement-superieur-et-Recherche/La-revue-Culture-et-Recherche/Scenes-de-recherche Comment écrire la danse ?Videoclip on dance notation by Sylvie Chayette. http://www.lemonde.fr/festival/video/2017/09/07/comment-ecrire-la-danse_5182236_4415198.html
Journal of Movement Arts LiteracyCall for Papers: Special Issue on Voices of Notators: Approaches to Creating a Score. Reminder: deadline for paper submission is November 15, 2017. See the call on http://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/jmal/
Workshops & Courses Initiation to Laban Notation, Paris, FranceWorkshops with ANNM-Envol des Signes, October 23, 2017; February 19, April 16, 2018. http://www.annm.org/formations.html Repertory and Laban Notation, Bologna, ItalyWorkshops with Irénée Blin: October 15, November 26, 2017 ; April 15, May 27, 2018. http://www.almadanza.it/corsi-e-workshops/workshops/item/188-danzare-le-coreografie-del-xx-secolo-notazione-laban.html Workshop in MexicoRaymundo Ruiz gave a workshop of Labanotation at the Escuela de Danza del Estado de Coahuila (Dance School of Coahuila State) in Saltillo, Coahuila, México, from September 9th to 10th. It was organized by the Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza, the Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza, and the Programa de Estímulo a la Creación y Desarrollo Artístico de Coahuila. There were 25 participants from different backgrounds, theatre, ballet, folk dance, belly dance, jazz, teachers and professional students. Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de ParisFive students graduated in May 2017 from the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP), after four years of specialized studies in Kinetography Laban led by teacher Noëlle Simonet. The new certified professionals in notation are: Noémie Barral, Natalia Beliaeva, Anaïs Loyer, Adeline Pouplard, Candice Thomann.
In order for us to prepare ICKL Newsletter #6 (January 2018), we kindly ask you to send your news before December 10, 2017 to newsletter@ickl.org. You are welcome to send us news that could be of interest for the Laban community such as announcements of courses, workshops, lectures, restagings, new scores or scores in progress. If you have an illustration to provide, it will be most welcome. Information about new books, journals, reports on Laban’s work or items including Labanotation can be recorded in the following Google form. If for some reason you are not involved anymore in notation activities and want to unsubscribe, simply follow the link in the footer of this page.