
ICKL Newsletter #8

Dear reader reader,

With on-site organizer Paloma Maciás Guzmán, we are actively preparing the forthcoming conference in Mexico (July 22-27, 2019, at Escuela Nacional de Danza Clásica y Contemporánea). 
27 long and short papers, 4 ignite talks, 4 workshops, and 5 technical sessions are scheduled. Attendees who have already registered come from Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, New Zealand, Poland, UK, USA, and of course, Mexico.
For those of you who are planning to come but have not yet registered, please proceed as soon as possible. Because of logistical organization, we will close registration by June 21st.

Meanwhile, the Proceedings of the 30th biennial conference, held in Beijing in 2017, have just been printed.  The Proceedings were edited by János Fügedi, Marion Bastien, and the late Tom Brown. All members who paid dues in 2018 will receive a copy shortly.
If you would like to purchase a copy for yourself or your library, please contact the Secretary (secretary@ickl.org).

Technical Twister !


Questions & Discussions sessions in Mexico

You restage a work from a score and a passage questions you? You are writing a movement and its transcription is difficult? You teach Laban notation and you wonder about a principle of the system?
Sessions of questions and discussions will be organized at the next conference in Mexico City.
Send us your questions, submit us excerpts of score or topics that question you! This will allow us to prepare these technical sessions as best as possible.

Please send your documents or ideas, if possible, by June 21st to research-chair@ickl.org or no later than the first week of July.



Rudolf Laban’s Choreographie

Rudolf Laban’s Choreographie. Erstes Heft, was published in 1926. A French translation is now available: Chorégraphie, Coeuvres-en-Valsery, Ressouvenances. Translation by Jacqueline Challet-Haas and Jean Challet, foreword by Angela Loureiro.
The work was also translated into Spanish in 2013: Coreografía. Primer cuaderno, México DF, Cenidi Danza / INBA / CONACULTA. Translation by Carla Doniz Geist.

Dance: Current Selected Research

Heiland, Teresa. 2018. Taxonomies of Learning Outcomes using Dance Notation: Cognitive, Knowledge Dimension, Affective, Conative, and Psychomotor. Dance: Current Selected Research, 9.

Research in Dance Education

Heiland, Teresa. 2019. Kolb Learning Styles of dancers who do and don't use dance notation compared to other fields. Research in Dance Education.

A Tribute to Ivor Guest

The great dance historian Ivor Guest passed away last year and earlier this year a memorial celebration was held for him at the Royal Academy of Dance in London. This new book includes the tributes paid to him by many at the celebration, together with some from those who could not be present but wished to contribute.

Scores and Stagings


Jerome Robbins - Charleston

Julie Brodie did a staging of Jerome Robbins' "Charleston Ballet" for the Kenyon College Spring Dance Concert (May 2–4, 2019). This staging was done as a score check for Ann Hutchinson Guest's notation of the 1945 piece from the Broadway show, Billion Dollar Baby.

Albrecht Knust - Die Waage

The choral dance piece Die Waage [The Balance], choreographed by Albrecht Knust in the 1920s or 1930s, was restaged by Marie-Charlotte Chevalier with the amateur group “Danse contemporaine Maison pop”. The piece was presented outdoor in Pantin, France, May 26, 2019.
The score of this piece is available online, in the Knust Collection: http://mediatheque.cnd.fr/spip.php?page=cinetogrammes-knust

Rudolf Laban - Four short dances

Four short dances of Rudolf Laban, published in 1930 in Schrifttanz, vol. 2 (Kleine Tänze mit Vorubüngen/Short Dances with Preliminary Exercises), were reconstructed by Aurélie Berland and presented June 1st in Paris.

Myriam Gourfink - Almasty

The score of the solo piece Almasty, choreographed by Myriam Gourfink in 2015, and notated by Amandine Bajou, is available online.

Workshops & Courses


Choreomundus Master

A four-week notation workshop was organized in April/May 2019 in the University of Szeged for Cohort 7 of Choreomundus. The first two-week workshop was given by János Fügedi and Manó Barnabás Kukár, who introduced the basics of kinetography to 25 students in dance anthropology.  The second part of the notation education was given by Noémie Barral, flamenco specialist and notator trained at Conservatoire de Paris. Choreomundus is an international master’s degree in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage, offered by a consortium of four European universities: University of Clermont Auvergne, France; Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; University of Szeged, Hungary; University of Roehampton, United Kingdom.

Workshop in Italy / Fabbrica Europa

Irénée Blin, notator, and Daniele Marranca will give a workshop entitled “Laban notation – from the choreographic score to the performative protocols,” July 15–17, 2019, in Florence, Italy, as part of the Fabbrica Europa international event.

Language of Dance (LOD)

Language of the Dance Center is sharing free LOD-inspired webinars and the next session will be on the 23rd of June. The sessions are 75 minutes long, led by a certified LOD specialist, and incorporate moving, observing, creating and notating using the LOD approach. Please contact bmegill@lodcusa.org or mrichter@lodcusa.org for details.
Language of Dance Master Practitioner Certification Course being offered at Loyola Marymount University Summer/Winter/Summer 3-modules. Module A Starts July 8-17, 2019. http://www.lodcusa.org/pages/cert-mod-a.
Coming Soon, online, via NDEO/OPDI: Language of Dance online course, with an emphasis on reading and interpreting motif notation scores. Created by Beth Megill. Hosted by National Dance Education Organization Professional Development Institute.

Laban Movement Analysis Programme in China

There are three training groups for the LMA certification training programme in China. Group 1 will be finished in August, 2019. Group 2 has started in 2018 but it’s possible to join module 2 in August 2019. And there will be a new group, Group 3, to begin in Jan/Feb 2020. Application deadline is August 1, 2019. For detailed information visit: https://labaninstitute.org/china/

Other News


Ohio State University

In May, Mara Frazier joined the faculty of University Libraries of The Ohio State University, as Curator of Dance, a new position. She will be working in an environment that respects the multiple ways in which dance is notated, documented, preserved, and represented, as well as the growing importance of and opportunities for digital scholarship.

Iconography from top:
· source: Dana Leong Aerial Performance at Cenart Mexico, 2012, photo Diana Yes. Creative Commons.
· source ICKL.
· source: Kenyon College, photo Alexander Reid.
· source: Choreography by Rudolf Laban.
· source ICKL: installation during a workshop in Beijing.
· source: William Oxley Thompson Memorial Library, OSU, photo Ibagli. Creative Commons.

Sungu Okan is the ICKL newsletter Editor, with contributions from Marion Bastien and Raphaël Cottin, respectively ICKL Secretary and Chair of the Research Panel.

In order for us to prepare ICKL Newsletter #9 (October 2019), we kindly ask you to send your news before September 10, 2019 to newsletter@ickl.org.
You are welcome to send us news that could be of interest for the Laban community such as announcements of courses, workshops, lectures, restagings, new scores or scores in progress. If you have an illustration to provide, it will be most welcome.

If for some reason you are not involved anymore in notation activities and want to unsubscribe, simply follow the link in the footer of this page.