ICKL Newsletter #9Dear reader reader, After a successful conference this past July in Mexico, thanks to the efficient Escuela Nacional de Danza Clásica y Contemporánea Staff, the Cenidi Danza Staff, and Onsite Organizer Paloma Macías Guzmán, there are new ICKL activities going on. Proceedings of the event should be published in 2020, and we remind presenters that their articles are expected by the end of October. In August 2019, we proceeded to a needed formal legal registration of the organization. ICKL is legally based in Europe as a non-profit organization (ruled by French Law of July 1st, 1901). Our governing texts remain operating, but we aim/hope to update those in the coming two years, for a membership vote in 2023. In November 2019, we will have our biennial elections in order to renew part of the Board of Trustees and part of the Research Panel. We will also vote on the next conference location, to be held in Europe in July 2023, as two proposals are on the floor. And… because the Board and Research Panel members are looking for help from members for several tasks, we ask you to respond to this call for contributions (already sent to conference attendees in July). We are mostly looking for help in order to index past Proceedings (Technical and Non-Technical papers), but if you are willing to propose to the organization other contributions and skills, don't hesitate to let us know. The form: https://forms.gle/6pm4EasDNjXUwHXCA
Stagings & Creations The Four TemperamentsDirector of Education and BalletMet2 Associate Director, Ambre Emory-Maier, partnered with Dr. Valarie Williams, Professor at The Ohio State University, to research, reconstruct, and direct from Ann Hutchinson Guest’s and Mary Corey’s Labanotation scores of George Balanchine’s 1946 “Third Theme” from the masterwork The Four Temperaments with the support of The Ohio State University Energy Partners Grant sponsored by Engie. Students in Williams’ Analysis class and dancers from the BalletMet 2 company collaborated on master classes and rehearsals with ©The George Balanchine Trust Répétiteur Paul Boos during his September Residency. Études wigmaniennesAurélie Berland presented September 27, 2019, the choreography Études wigmaniennes, in Micadanses, Paris. This solo is based on pedagogical material taught by Gundel Eplinius, a Mary Wigman dancer, and notated in 1990 by Anja Hirvikallio (Die Frankfurter Seminarreihe in Wigman-Technique mit Prof. Gundel Eplinius). It is part of a larger project entitled Les statues meurent aussi, to be created in 2020.
Workshops & Courses Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de ParisFive students graduated in September 2019 from the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP), after four years of specialized studies in Kinetography Laban led by teacher Noëlle Simonet. The new certified professionals in notation are: Blandine Brasseur. Diploma projects: notation of Mammame (1985), chor. Jean-Claude Gallotta; reconstruction of “Panic”, excerpt of Rooms (1954), chor. Anna Sokolow, and Witch Dance (1926), chor. Mary-Anne Santos Newhall after Mary Wigman; Clémence Fulminet. Diploma projects: notation of Passo (2010), chor. Ambra Senatore; reconstruction of Desperate Heart (1941), chor. Valerie Bettis; Vincent Lenfant. Diploma projects: notation of Rocco or Rocca (2011), chor. Emio Greco & Pieter C. Scholten; reconstruction of the soli “The Death” and “The Profiteer”, excerpts from The Green Table (1932), chor. Kurt Jooss, and of Starting Point and I am alone with the beating of my heart (1957), chor. Jean Cébron; Marie Orts. Diploma projects: notation of Vivace (2018), chor. Alban Richard; reconstruction of Two Ecstatic Themes (1931), chor. Doris Humphrey, and Du Ravissement (2010), chor. Dominique Brun; Lina Schlageter. Diploma projects: notation of Angst (1962), chor. Dore Hoyer, and notation of “The Dance of the Seven Veils” performed by Alla Nazimova in the movie Salome (1923), dir. Charles Bryant; reconstruction of Angst (1962), chor. Dore Hoyer, and Déserts d’amour (1984), chor. Dominique Bagouet. Ten new students entered the course. Eight are in the first year of first cycle, and after accreditation of prior experiential learning, one student will be in the second year of first cycle, and one in the first year of second cycle. Course at Beijing Dance AcademyIn the past two years, Luo Bing-Yu and Tang Yi have been teaching Labanotation at Beijing Dance Academy. Teaching method focuses on training Chinese students from the ground up, aiming to improve the students’ cognitive ability and understanding. Coupled with the relevant body training exercise, the method should help students to understand the logic relationship between elements of movement language so that they can gradually train their body to have thinking ability. Starting next semester, Beijing Dance Academy will extend the course from a one semester elective course to a full year mandatory course. This makes Beijing Dance Academy the second Chinese higher education institution to offer a mandatory Labanotation course, the first being Beijing Normal University. Language of Dance (LOD)Fully Online LOD course in Spring 2020 - The LODC announced their first fully online course in partnership with the National Dance Educators Organization. The 12-week course is titled Infinite Choreographic Inspirations Using the Language of Dance® Approach to be offered January 27th-April 19th, 2020. It will cover the basics of Motif Notation theory, the Language of Dance Literacy Model, and a variety of choreographic tasks. The course will be taught by a certified LOD Specialist. Visit the NDEO website for additional information and details on how to participate in this course. https://www.ndeo.org
LOD Certification Cohort News - The LODC continues to work with its certification cohort. Module B is being delivered over the next nine months through video conferences. Participants are pushing the edges of how motif notation and dance literacy reframes our experience of dance arts and pedagogy.
LOD’s Instagram Challenge - During the month of August 2019, the LODC hosted their first Instagram challenge in which we posted daily concepts to inspire movers to play with interpretation and expression while learning a little more about Motif Notation. It was a great success so the event will continue. Follow @languageofdancecenter on Instagram to join. Moving Art Using Rudolf Laban’s drawings from the archives in practiceAn online short course in collaboration with University of Surrey Archives and The Labanarium starting 4 October to 19 January 2020. The course will be directed by Tracy Collier MA, SFHEA, Director and Movement Specialist, and focus on a movement exploration of two beautiful and unpublished drawings by Rudolf Laban. For detailed information please visit https://www.labanarium.com/courses/
Publications & Thesis Book-DVD #03 on Body-SpacePublication of “Corps–Espace” [Body-Space], the opus #03 of the series La partition chorégraphique : outil de transmission, outil d'exploration, directed by Noëlle Simonet with Labkine company. This book-DVD is enhanced with additional videos to download. https://www.labkine.com/publications-recherche Journal of Movement Arts Literacy
Journal of Movement Arts Literacy informs the international movement arts literacy communities of the latest inquiries in pedagogy, theory, application, practice, and research of human movement using movement-based literacy as a tool to generate, investigate, analyze, or frame understanding. http://libjournal.uncg.edu/index.php/jmal PhD ThesisAxelle Locatelli will defend December 2, 2019, in Paris, her PhD thesis on choral dances, based on investigation in Albrecht Knust archive (“Les choeurs de mouvements Laban: entre danses traditionnelles, gymnastique et expériences artistiques (Allemagne 1923-1936). Étude à partir du fonds d'archives Albrecht Knust”). This thesis was prepared at University Paris 8, under the direction of Isabelle Launay.
Notation & New Technologies KineScribe RevisedProfessor Hannah Kosstrin, PhD, at The Ohio State University’s Department of Dance is working with students in the Analysis course of Professor Valarie Williams, PhD, to learn Kosstrin’s a revised application program for the iPad called KineScribe. All sophomore students taking Williams’ Dance Analysis course this fall are using KineScribe in their coursework and as part of their experiences in Ohio State’s Digital Flagship cohort. The revised version of KineScribe is available in the Apple App Store as a free download. For more information about KineScribe: https://u.osu.edu/kinescribe/ SignaThe Signa project is a Web platform for writing and publishing kinetographic scores. It will offer a semantic and flexible modelling of kinetographic scores. Although it could be used offline and as a stand-alone application, Signa will also exist as a Web application (accessible using any modern Web browser) offering its users an online platform for writing, archiving, publishing, sharing and collaboration. In June 2019, the Signa project received support from the Centre national de la danse, (see Other News). The project is planned to be completed in 2023. Please visit the web site for detailed information http://io-io-io.io/signa/index_en.html
Other News Awarded Projects at Centre national de la danseIn May 2019, three Laban notation projects have been selected and funded with the programme “Aide à la recherche et au patrimoine en danse” [dance research and heritage grant] monitored by Centre national de la danse (France). Awarded projects are: Béatrice Aubert, with Fabrice David (PhD in anthropology), for a notation project on traditional dances from Brittany (“Suite de dañs-tro Fisel. Patrimoine et création, par l’ensemble Bleuniadur”), Noémie Barral for a notation project on flamenco (“Danse flamenca : les pas de base au service de la composition chorégraphique”), and Sébastien Courvoisier for a Web application for writing movements using Kinetography Laban (“Signa”). In January 2020, two Laban notation projects selected in 2017 will be presented at Centre National de la Danse: Olivier Bioret for the notation of Romance en stuc (1985), chor. Daniel Larrieu, and Geneviève Reynaud-Rault and Pascale Guénon for the notation of Ulysse (1981), chor. Jean-Claude Gallotta. https://www.cnd.fr/fr/program/1659-exposes-de-recherche-et-de-notation Presentation of ICKL in PolandAnna Opłocka, member of the Polish Choreological Forum and of Warsaw Laboratory of Kinetography, presented the activities and history of ICKL, during the Conference of Polish Choreology Forum in Kalisz, September 13-15, 2019. The presentation included information on the creation of ICKL, on the contribution of Prof. Roderyk Lange, on Albrecht Knust approach to Kinetography Laban, and a report on the ICKL conference in Mexico. Creation of a Laban-related association in MexicoEspacio Laban - Centro Mexicano de Estudios Coreológicos A.C. opened in September, headed by Miriam Huberman and Jorge Gayon. The Center focuses on exploring movement in the performing arts using Rudolf Laban's legacy and a choreological approach as the starting point. The Center will offer courses, workshops, choreological counseling sessions; it will publish translations and new research and educational material. The Center hopes to become a resource center for the performing arts, including Mexican traditional dance. https://www.facebook.com/EspacioLaban/ Seminar at Centre national de la danseA one-day seminar will be held at Centre national de la danse, February 13, 2020. The seminar is initiated and coordinated by Vincent Lenfant, with Marion Bastien. Headline of the seminar will be “L’approche du temps dans la cinétographie Laban. Tempo, rythme, phrase, mesure, ad libitum, interactions” [Time approach in Kinetography Laban. Tempo, rhythm, phrase, measure, ad libitum, interactions]. A call for contributions was released last September (and can be obtained by contacting recherche.repertoires@cnd.fr).
Iconography from top: · source: Conference attendees, Mexico 2019, ICKL/CENIDID internal archives. · source: BalletMet 2 dancers Catherine Stoehr and Rorey Fraser rehearsing Balanchine's The Four Temperaments, photo Leigh Lijoi. · source: Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, photo Beckton Beach. Creative Commons. · source: Cover of Book-DVD #03 “Corps–Espace”, photo Labkine-editions. · source: KineScribe on iPad, photo Valarie Williams. · source: Bleuniadur dance company, photo Bleuniadur. Sungu Okan is the ICKL newsletter Editor, with contributions from Marion Bastien ICKL Secretary. In order for us to prepare ICKL Newsletter #10 (February 2020), we kindly ask you to send your news before January 10, 2020 to newsletter@ickl.org. You are welcome to send us news that could be of interest for the Laban community such as announcements of courses, workshops, lectures, restagings, new scores or scores in progress. If you have an illustration to provide, it will be most welcome. If for some reason you are not involved anymore in notation activities and want to unsubscribe, simply follow the link in the footer of this page.