
ICKL Newsletter #7

Dear reader reader,

We wish you an excellent 2019 year!

2019 marks the 60th anniversary of our organization, after the first meeting of experts in 1959, which led to the creation of ICKL.
2019 is also our biennial conference year. Next ICKL conference will be held at Escuela Nacional de Danza Clásica y Contemporánea, Mexico City, July 22-27, 2019, with Paloma Maciás Guzmán as on-site organizer.
You can already find a provisional programme on the conference webpage, plus a pre-registration form to fill, so we could evaluate how much people plan/hope to attend.
You will also find on the webpage conference fees and registration forms. Note that early bird registration is open until April 15.

It is time to take or renew your membership for 2019. To do so, please go to our “Join ICKL” page:

Proceedings of the 2017 conference should have been released in 2018. Due to the large amount of papers and long editing process, the publishing will be delayed to the first semester of 2019. The Proceedings will be sent to all members who paid dues in 2018.

Technical Twister !


Are you ready ?

In order to better prepare you for the next conference, we remind you that several reference texts can help you, firstly Albrecht Knust's Dictionnary of Kinetography Laban and Labanotation by Ann Hutchinson Guest. On specific topics, you will find valuable information in Ann Hutchinson Guest's Advanced Labanotation (9 volumes) as well as many technical papers in ICKL proceedings (most of them available online here or on request). In addition, the 12 papers of the European Seminar for Kinetography (ESK), written between 1985 and 1998, are available on kinetography.eu. Do not hesitate to contact the Research Panel if you wish to be accompanied in the search for technical information on the Laban system!

Publications, Theses & Scores


Diagonales ? vous avez dit diagonales ?

Diagonales ? vous avez dit diagonales ? le point de vue de Laban-Bartenieff [Diagonals? Did You Say Diagonals? The  Laban-Bartenieff  viewpoint], by  Angela Loureiro, with Jacqueline Challet-Haas. Publisher Ressouvenances, 2018.
154 pp. including 31 exercises transcribed in notation.

Journal of Dance Education

Teresa Heiland’s article about Africanist aesthetics, jazz, and LMA and Language of Dance notation was published. Heiland wrote this article with Beth Megill and was inspired by discussions, dancing explorations, music and video, and analysis with Susan Gingrasso, Laura Ann Smyth, and Paige Porter.


DNB Library News

“The Adventure, Development and Rise of Kinetography Laban in France” Jacqueline Challet-Haas’s article about the history of the rise of Kinetography Laban in France, first part, is online at DNB Library News, Winter 2019 issue. A second part is in preparation.

Notation & New Technologies


“LabanGraph” a brand new application

The computer aided editor, LabanGraph, an application to the AutoCAD software, is available for free in the Knowledge Base for Traditional Dances. The address is
An Installation Guide and a User Guide can be downloaded from the site as well. LabanGraph is based on the Tool Palette facility of AutoCAD. At present this facility runs only under the Windows version of AutoCAD, therefore it cannot be used yet with OS (on a Macintosh machine). In case of any questions or proposals for a better version of LabanGraph, contact János Fügedi (fugedi.janos@btk.mta.hu), the developer of the application.

MOCO at Arizona State University

International Workshop on Movement and Computing (MOCO) aims to gather academics and practitioners interested in the computational study, modelling, representation, segmentation, recognition, classification, or generation of movement information. MOCO is positioned within emerging interdisciplinary domains between art & science. One of this year’s conference suggested topics is Movement notation systems including Labanotation and computing. The conference will take place between 9-12 October 2019. Notators can visit the official website for detailed information: https://moco19.movementcomputing.org

Workshops & Courses


Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris

The application to enter the notation class (1st cycle) at Conservatoire starts March 1, 2019, cut-off date April 6. For those preselected, entrance tests are in June.
Information: www.conservatoiredeparis.fr/disciplines/les-disciplines/les-disciplines-detail/discipline/notation-du-mouvement-laban-1er-cycle-superieur/
Calendar: www.conservatoiredeparis.fr/concours-dentree/calendrier-des-inscriptions-aux-concours/

Language of Dance (LOD)

Registrations for the Module A of LOD Master Practitioner Certification is open. The course will take place between 8-17 July 2019 at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, California. This is the first of a three-part certification process leading to becoming a Language of Dance Specialist. The students will have the opportunity to establish their foundation in a rich, playful pedagogy for dance literacy in this 10-day professional development certification course.

LOD Free Webinar will be online on February, March, April, May and June. This webinars will give the opportunity to get you moving in the convenience of your living room. The 75 minute sessions will be lead by a certified Language of Dance® Specialist and incorporate moving, observing, creating and notating using the LOD Approach. No former LOD experience is needed to attend and there will be only 7 participants.
Contact: bmegill@lodcusa.org, mrichter@lodcusa.org

EUROLAB Certificate Program

EUROLAB Certificate Program in Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies (LBMS) in Berlin: the start will be in July 2019 in an intensive format with 4 weeks summer class periods over 2 years. The program will be directed and taught by Antja Kennedy. Further core teachers will be Eva Blaschke and Christel Büche. Visit the official web site for further information and registration.

Scores and Stagings


Awarded Projects at Centre national de la danse

From January 17 to February 14, 2019, every thursday, awarded projects funded in 2017 with the programme “Aide à la recherche et au patrimoine en danse” were/are presented publicly at Centre national de la danse (France), including, four Laban notation scores projects, led by the following notators: Polina Manko: Khmer classical dance training excercises (Kbach Bat Chha Banchos); Maud Pizon and Virginie Mirbeau: first act of Sacre #2 (2014), choreographed by Dominique Brun [a recreation of  Nijinski’s Sacre du printemps (1913)]; Amandine Bajou: Amas (2017), choreographed by Myriam Gourfink; Valeria Giuga:  Battement (2008), choreographed by David Wampach. All scores will be deposited at Centre national de la danse’s library for consultation.

Heritage Soli Programme

Heritage soli danced by dance students of the school of  the Centre national de danse contemporaine (CNDC), Angers, were performed from January 16 to 19 at theater  Le Quai - Angers. In collaboration with the students in Kinetography Laban of Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, acting as reconstructors.
Programme: Indeterminate Figure by Daniel Nagrin, I am alone with the beating of my heart and Starting Point by Jean Cébron, En Dolor by Ethel Winter, L’oiseau qui n’existe pas by Karin Waehner, Lyric Suite (solo) by Anna Sokolow, Quasi Waltz by Doris Humphrey, reconstructed from scores by Mélanie Dutois, Pierre-Emmanuel Langry, Vincent Lenfant (students) and Léa Bonnaud (notator).


In Memoriam

Tom Brown, ICKL Fellow member, passed away  on 18th of November 2018. Tom Brown attended last ICKL conference in Beijing, in 2017, and was currently working as co-editor of the conference Proceedings.
A remembrance site for Tom Brown was set up by Hong Kong Dance Alliance: https://tombrown.muchloved.com/

Lucy Venable, who was Vice Chair, Chair and most lately Vice President of ICKL passed away on 29th of January 2019. Lucy Venable was seminal in many ICKL projects, such as publications. A dancer of the José Limón Company (1957-1963), she directed the DNB in New York (1961-1968), then founded the DNB Extension for Education and Research at Ohio State University.

Sungu Okan is the ICKL newsletter Editor, with contributions from Marion Bastien and Raphaël Cottin, respectively ICKL Secretary and Chair of the Research Panel.

In order for us to prepare ICKL Newsletter #8 (May 2019), we kindly ask you to send your news before April 10, 2019 to newsletter@ickl.org.
You are welcome to send us news that could be of interest for the Laban community such as announcements of courses, workshops, lectures, restagings, new scores or scores in progress. If you have an illustration to provide, it will be most welcome.

If for some reason you are not involved anymore in notation activities and want to unsubscribe, simply follow the link in the footer of this page.