
ICKL Newsletter #1

Dear reader reader,

Welcome to the first ICKL Newsletter! The purpose of this Newsletter is to bring you the latest ICKL news, keep you updated with Labanotation events, courses and publications, and feature articles and reports by you, our ICKL membership. We anticipate that as we find our feet with our Newsletter, it will develop in interesting ways. Enjoy!

Yours, Shelly Saint-Smith, ICKL Editor,
with Marion Bastien, ICKL Secretary and Raphaël Cottin, Chair of the Research Panel



30th Biennial Conference

July 24-29, 2017.
Beijing Normal University, China.

Conference onsite organizer: Mrs Tang Yi, director of Beijing Normal University Chinese Laban Academic Research Center.
The calls for papers were released earlier this month.

• Deadline for the Call for Technical Proposals is July 20, 2016.

• Deadline for the Call for Proposals (Application of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation and other Laban-based concepts and methodologies) is September 20, 2016.

See www.ickl.org/conference/conference-2017/

ICKL Proceedings online

Most of the Proceedings since 1959 have been digitized and are now available online.
All scanned documents have been processed with optical character recognition, to provide searchable full text.
This material is available for members only and is accessible in the “members zone”.

• If you are a current member and did not receive your login and password, please write to secretary@ickl.org.

• If you want to renew your membership or join ICKL for 2016, see ickl.org/membership/join-ickl/.

Technical Twister !

ICKL Technical Papers Index

Concurrently to the work of digitizing the Proceedings, the Research Panel members have started to index the technical papers since 1993.
In 1993, ICKL published the Index of Technical Matters and Technical and Non-Technical Papers from the Biennial Conferences of the International Council of Kinetography Laban, compiled by Sharon Rowe, Lucy Venable and Judy Van Zile. (The Index can be downloaded at ickl.org/publications/publications-to-download/)
This ongoing project aims to continue the work carried out 20 years ago.

Did you know?

Our Facebook page regularly provides technical resources or other documentation (such as photos or articles on the Laban world).

• Already available

From "The New Era in Home and School", Volume 40, No. 5, May 1959: The Validity of Laban's Art of Movement and Notation by Albrecht Knust. 

• Coming soon

An excerpt from an article by Jacqueline Challet-Haas presented at the 1999 ICKL Conference: Principal "KIN" usages and rules differing from "LAB" usages and rules. This extract will be dedicated to the use of the Action stroke.

A presentation of the IBM ball devoted to typing scores.

Upcoming Events & Other News


An Austrian Experience

by Ann Hutchinson Guest
What connection/relation does European modern dance technique as taught in the 1930s at Dartington Hall in England have today to the Institute of Dance Arts at the Anton Bruckner University in Linz, Austria?  The answer is preservation and the experience of exploring unfamiliar dance forms.
Read the full report on ICKL facebook.

Dance as Cultural Heritage 2016

The Swiss Federal Office of Culture has selected the project “Sigurd Leeder” led by Karin Hermes as one of the three projects devoted to the topic of dance as cultural heritage to receive support in 2016.
See www.tanzpreise.ch

Movement notation(s), performing arts and higher education

June, 2016. Centre national de la danse, Pantin, France.

What place is attributed to learning a movement notation system (Benesh, Conté, Laban) in the training of the performer, the trainer, the creator and the researcher in the performing arts? This workshop/meeting featuring professionals teaching in Europe and the US will assess current practices in arts schools and universities.
See www.cnd.fr/camping2016/
Organized by Marion Bastien, with the participation of notation teachers including ICKL members Henner Drewes, Shelly Saint Smith, Noëlle Simonet, Victoria Watts, Valarie Williams.

MOCO’16. 3rd International Symposium On Movement & Computing

July 5-6, 2016. Thessaloniki, Greece.

See moco16.multimedia.uom.gr
Will include a paper and demo proposal by ICKL member Foteini Papadopoulou in collaboration with media artist Martin Schulte.

Workshops & Courses


DNB Summer Labanotation Workshops

Summer 2016.

The Dance Notation Bureau (DNB) is pleased to announce two-week intensive workshops in Elementary and Intermediate Labanotation in New York City this Summer. The faculty will include professional notators from the DNB.
See dancenotation.org

The Language of Dance Foundations Courses

June and July, 2016.

Explore the universal elements of the Movement Alphabet and integrate movement Motif symbols into dance experiences to connect physical, cognitive and socio-emotional learning.
June 24-28, 2016, Language of Dance Foundations, Part 1. Hosted by Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, USA. Instructors: Susan Gingrasso, Teresa Heiland, Michael Richter.
July 18-22, 2016, Language of Dance Foundations, Part 2. Hosted by 92Y Harkness Dance Center,  Dance Education Laboratory, New York City, NY, USA. Instructors: Tina Curran, Susan Gingrasso, with Rachel Anne Wurman.Part 1 and Part 2 can be taken in either order.
See lodcusa.org

Workshop at Beijing Normal University on Motif notation

July, 2016.

July 9-19, 2016.  Organized by Beijing Normal University Chinese Laban Academic Research Center, China. Instructor: Mei Chen-Lu, Dance Notation Bureau.

Publications, Thesis & Scores



Laumond, Jean-Paul and Naoko Abe eds. 2016. Dance Notations and Robot Motion. Cham: Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, Vol. 111.
ISBN: 978-3-319-25737-2 (Print) 978-3-319-25739-6 (Online)
See link.springer.com
How and why to write a movement? Who is the writer? Who is the reader? They may be choreographers working with dancers. They may be roboticists programming robots. They may be artists designing cartoons in computer animation. In all such fields the purpose is to express an intention about a dance, a specific motion or an action to perform, in terms of intelligible sequences of elementary movements, as a music score that would be devoted to motion representation. Unfortunately there is no universal language to write a motion. Motion languages live together in a Babel tower populated by biomechanists, dance notators, neuroscientists, computer scientists, choreographers, roboticists. Each community handles its own concepts and speaks its own language. The book accounts for this diversity. Its origin is a unique workshop held at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse in 2014.
With contributions from ICKL members Jacqueline Challet-Haas, Henner Drewes, Angela Loureiro de Souza, Naoko Abe, Minako Nakamura.

Piollet, Wilfride. 2014. Synthèse des Barres flexibles. Théorie et partitions Laban. Paris: L'Une & L'Autre
ISBN 978-2-35729-085-3
See www.sens-tonka.net/synthese-barres-flexibles
Wilfride Piollet (1943–2015), French prima ballerina, choreographer and teacher devised a pioneering technique in movement understanding called "Barres flexibles". This book, part of a series, describes her method and exercises, transcribed in notation by Noëlle Simonet.

Fernandes, Ciane. 2014. The Moving Researcher. Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis in Performing Arts Education and Creative Art Therapies. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
ISBN 978-1-84905-587-1
See www.jkp.com/uk/the-moving-researcher.html
This book is a comprehensive overview of Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis, which explains the core concepts and principles of Body, Effort, Shape and Space, and explores more recent developments of the theories in performing arts and movement therapy.

Anthologie du répertoire chorégraphique en notation Laban, vol. 2, danse contemporaine 1. 2016. Villers-Cotterêt: Ressouvenances, coll. Pas à pas.
ISBN : 978-2-84505-194-2
See www.ressouvenances.fr
Anthology of the choreographic repertory in kinetography Laban, vol. 2, contemporary dance 1, with an introduction by Jacqueline Challet-Haas. This volume includes extracts from Ulysses, by J.-C. Gallotta, The Inside Dance (La danse du dedans) by Georges Appaix, Deserts of Love (Déserts d’amour) by Dominique Bagouet, Ice by Carolyn Carlson. Each notation score comes with a short introduction in French, a glossary and a musical score. A CD with all available musical accompaniments for the dance scores is also included in the book. This book mostly features notation scores. Therefore, it can be understood and used by non-French readers.

Chane-Yue-Chiang, Linièle. 2015. Pas en Variations - Henri Justamant. Self-publishing.
ISBN: 978-2-9553469-0-7
See www.booksonthemove.eu
23 variations reconstructed from historical sources and notated in kinetography Laban, with introductory material on Henri Justamant (1815-1890), French dancer, ballet master and choreographer. Book in French and English.


Shim, Kyung-eun. 2016. “L’assimilation du tour-pivot en danse classique la pirouette en dehors par la danse coréenne Hanbaldeuleodolgi : une étude comparative de la manière dont la danse classique et la danse coréenne maîtrisent les principes fonctionnels du tour-pivot à partir d’une analyse de leur apprentissage. PhD dissertation, École des hautes études en sciences sociales.


Merzouki, Mourad. 1998. Récital (excerpts). Notated by Pascale Guénon in 2013-2015.
At library of Centre national de la danse, Fonds Aide à la recherche et au patrimoine en danse.
See the teaser of this hip hop piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4156D6DNgRE
Morris, Mark. 1981. Gloria. Notated by Sandra Aberkalns in 2016.
Dance Notation Bureau, Archives of Notated Theatrical Dances, Dance ID: 905.
At DNB library. See dancenotation.org/catalog/
The score can be used for educational purposes.

In order for us to prepare ICKL Newsletter #2 (September 2016), we kindly ask you to send your news before August 30, 2016 at newsletter@ickl.org.
You are welcome to send us news that could be of interest for the Laban community such as announcements of courses, workshops, lectures, restagings, new scores or scores in progress, etc. If you have an illustration to provide, it will be most welcome.
Information about new books, journals, reports on Laban’s work or including Labanotation can be recorded in the following Google form.

If for some reason you are not involved anymore in notation activities and want to unsubscribe, simply follow the link in the footer of this page.