The International Council of Kinetography Laban was founded in England in 1959 and has about one hundred active members and fellows from more than twenty-five countries around the world.

Its members practice the system of movement and dance notation originated by Rudolf Laban, known as Kinetography Laban or Labanotation. This system is one of the major method of movement notation used in the documentation of, education about, and research into, human movement.

The aims of ICKL are to promote the use of the system; to increase research for its development and application; to act as a deciding body with regard to the orthography and principles of the system; to support experimental projects in related areas; to encourage information exchange among centers and individuals using the system. Its activities include the organization of a biennial conference and the publication of the conference proceedings.


Save the Dates! July 14–20, 2025
ICKL and LIMS Conferences
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Mid-July 2025 marks the historic gathering of the notation and movement analysis communities at The Ohio State University.
The 34th Biennial Conference of the International Council of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation conference kicks off this event, with sessions running Monday, July 14–Friday, July 18 (arrival Sunday July 13). The inaugural Conference on Laban Bartenieff Movement Studies (LBMS), organized by the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS) follows, beginning on Friday, July 18 thru Sunday, July 20.

Further details and ICKL Call for Proposals on the Conference 2025 section.

Membership is now open and we hope you choose to renew or join us for 2024.