
ICKL Newsletter #2

Dear reader reader,

Welcome to the second ICKL Newsletter!
In this edition, we celebrate the life of Madame Dai Ailian in anticipation of the ICKL conference in Beijing. We thank Eleanor Fitzpatrick and Ann Hutchinson Guest for their articles.
Note that the deadline for ICKL conference presentation proposals is looming, so get those Laban-based ideas and projects on paper!

Yours, Shelly Saint-Smith, ICKL Editor



30th Biennial Conference

July 24-29, 2017.
Beijing Normal University, China.

Conference in Beijing is in 10 months!
Deadline for the Call for Proposals (Application of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation and other Laban-based concepts and methodologies) is September 20, 2016.
Conference fees have been posted online. Registration will open in January 2017, together with the Membership call.

Please note, for those of you interested, that the onsite organizers can propose a touristic tour after the conference, from July 30 to August 5, 2017, in Beijing, Xi’an, Shangai. The tour will be organized only if a group of 10 people or more apply.

All information is available at www.ickl.org/conference/conference-2017/



Dai Ailian 1916–2006

2016 marks the centenary of the birth of Dai Ailian – godmother of Chinese ballet. To celebrate the life and achievements of this extraordinary lady, the Philip Richardson Library at the Royal Academy of Dance in London held an exhibition in May. Eleanor Fitzpatrick, Archives & Records Manager at the Royal Academy of Dance, has kindly shared extracts from the exhibition.
Read more…

Ann Hutchinson Guest writes about Dai Ailian’s contribution to Labanotation.
Read more…

Photo of Dai AiLian,  Hong Kong, 1940,  courtesy of the Dai AiLian Foundation.

Technical Twister !


Call for Material

For the next conference in Beijing, we will organize reading sessions. Two subjects will be emphasized this year: Floor work and handling of objects and props. If you have any special requests or reading examples to submit, the Research Panel will be pleased to receive your proposals. 
Please write to research-chair@ickl.org


Our facebook page regularly provides technical resources and other documentation (such as photos or articles on  Laban-based activities). See facebook.com/icklaban/

• Already available

Albrecht KnustFrom The New Era in Home and School, volume 40, no. 5, May 1959: “The Validity of Laban's Art of Movement and Notation.”
Direct access here

Ann Hutchinson Guest: “An Austrian Experience.” What connection/relation does European modern dance technique as taught in the 1930s at Dartington Hall in England have today to the Institute of Dance Arts at the Anton Bruckner University in Linz, Austria? [...]
Direct access here

Jacqueline Challet-HaasAn excerpt from her article presented at the 1999 ICKL Conference: “Principal ‘KIN’ usages and rules differing from ‘LAB’ usages and rules.” This extract is dedicated to the use of the Action stroke.
Direct access here

• Coming soon

A presentation of the IBM ball devoted to typing scores.

Other rare publications from The New Era.

Other News


Ann Hutchinson Guest Collection

The Ann Hutchinson Guest library and archive collection, held at the University of Roehampton, has now been fully catalogued. This collection was donated by Ann Hutchinson Guest and contains books about dance and dance notation, as well as archival documents relating to her work and that of the Language of Dance Centre in London, UK.
More details about the Archives and Special Collections department at the University of Roehampton, along with information about how to access the collections for research, can be found at: www.roehampton.ac.uk/Archives_and_special_collections.aspx

Dance Research and Heritage Grants

As part of its policy on supporting dance research and heritage, the Centre national de la danse (CND) is giving yearly grants to projects related to research, dance heritage or education. In the field of dance heritage, projects must be associated with the preservation of works from French and international dance repertories with the aim of developing, in the long term, a collection of dance scores to be used as reference resources, notably for the future remounting of works.
In May 2016, the Selection Committee selected 15 projects, including the following notation scores in Kinetography Laban: Afin qu’il n’y soit rien changé (1976), choreographers Wilfride Piollet and Jean Guizerix, notator Irénée Blin, and excerpts of Newark (1987), choreographer Trisha Brown, notator Marie-Charlotte Chevalier, as well as an education project led by Noëlle Simonet, with Lise Daynac, third of a series of Book-DVD: L’espace et le geste [Space and gesture] (see www.labkine.com/#!blank-3/bymvs for former titles). These projects will be concluded and presented early in 2018.
See www.cnd.fr/professionnels/aide_recherche_patrimoine_danse

Workshops & Courses


Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris

Four students graduated in May 2016 from the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris (CNSMDP), after four years of specialized studies in Kinetography Laban led by teacher Noëlle Simonet. The new certified professionals in notation are:
Camille Bobelin. Diploma’s projects: notation of Petite Mort (1991), chor. Jiri Kyliàn, and of Les Arbres (1946), mime piece of Étienne Decroux; teaching report.
Maud Pizon. Diploma’s projects: notation of D’après une histoire vraie (2013), chor. Christian Rizzo, and of Ma Barbe bleue (2016), chor. Clara Le Picard, Maud Pizon and Daniel Larrieu; reconstruction of Kashmiri Nautch, chor. Ruth Saint Denis, Soaring, chor. Doris Humphrey and Ted Shawn “Fundamentals of Dance”.
Polina Manko. Diploma’s projects: notation of Éléphant et les faons (1987), chor. Daniel Larrieu; teaching report.
Virginie Mirbeau. Diploma’s projects: reconstruction of Negro Spirituals (1928-1942), chor. Helen Tamiris, of class exercises in Mary Wigman’s technique, and of material from the opening scene of The Green Table (1932), chor. Kurt Jooss; notation of class exercises in Nikolaïs’ technique (as transmitted by Manuèle Robert).

Publications, Thesis & Scores


Online Journal

This Special Issue on Pedagogy in Theory and Practice consists of a brief introductory article on pedagogical theory and practice of dance-based dance literacy using reflexivity, written by the lead editor, Teresa L. Heiland, followed by two feature articles that focus on theoretical, philosophical, and epistemological perspectives of pedagogical practices within the realm of Laban Studies by Sherrie Barr, and Livia Fuchs and János Fügedi.
See http://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/jmal/vol3/iss1/

We apologise for the misspelling of Mei-Chen Lu's name in the previous Newsletter.

In order for us to prepare ICKL Newsletter #3 (January 2017), we kindly ask you to send your news before December 10, 2016 to newsletter@ickl.org.
You are welcome to send us news that could be of interest for the Laban community such as announcements of courses, workshops, lectures, restagings, new scores or scores in progress, etc. If you have an illustration to provide, it will be most welcome.
Information about new books, journals, reports on Laban’s work or including Labanotation can be recorded in the following Google form.

If for some reason you are not involved anymore in notation activities and want to unsubscribe, simply follow the link in the footer of this page.