BIORET, Olivier

Position: Member
Categories: FRANCE

Research Panel Member, 2021-2024

Olivier Bioret is a dancer, choreographer and notator. Trained at the Conservatoire de Paris (CNSMDP) for both contemporary dance and notation (with Noëlle Simonet), he has danced with choreographers like Claire Jenny, Béatrice Massin and Hervé Robbe. Choreographer for the company FACE–B, he created Les Glycines- Samarcande, Un autre Saint Sébastien, Hortichorégraphie and Précoces Récoltes. He has notated works of Lucinda Childs and Daniel Larrieu, and restaged pieces of Karin Waehner and Doris Humphrey. He is now lecturer at the CNSMDP.