BLUM, Odette
Odette Blum, Professor Emerita, Department of Dance, The Ohio State University. A former Director of the Dance Notation Bureau Extension for Education and Research at OSU. 50 years of directing dances from the score including works by Horton, Humphrey, Jooss, Lampert, Maslow, Sokolow, Tamiris. Scores notated include Massine’s The Three Cornered Hat, Humphrey’s Water Study, Margaret Morris Movement in Labanotation (revised edition 2011) with 2 audio CDs, the basic technique of the first modern dancer in the U.K. Publications include Dance Perspectives # 56 “Dance in Ghana”, a DVD: Motif Description: Introducing the Elements of Dance. She is a Fellow and former Chair of ICKL. Currently she is a free-lance teacher and director and continues with her notating/editing of dance scores.