Professor Emerita of Dance, University of California, Irvine. Certified Professional Labanotator and Teacher. Notator of works by Balanchine, Robbins, Graham, Limón, McKayle, Jean Erdman, Daniel Nagrin, Joyce Trisler, Isadora Duncan, and others. Notator for the American Dance Legacy Initiative, ADLI’s New Dance Group Project, and for Chinese dance projects at University of Iowa and University of Hawai’i. Notator for Daniel Lewis’s book The Illustrated Dance Technique of José Limón; also notated technique fundamentals of Hanya Holm. Reconstructed works by Humphrey, Weidman, Holm, Tamiris, Nijinsky, Humphrey, Eugene Loring, David Parsons, and Eve Gentry. Fellow of ICKL since 1991. Research Panel member 1991-1995.