Join or renew membership

Benefits of membership

  • Network with other professionals in the field
    (Access to ICKL general member listserv, access to members directory);
  • Access resources on the ‘members only’ section of ICKL web site
    (Proceedings of the latest ICKL Conferences);
  • Support ICKL actions.
    All members of the Board of Trustees and Research Panel work on a volunteer basis, ensuring the current activities. However ICKL need some financial resources to handle special projects, such as adding more resources to the web, helping members from emerging countries to attend conferences, etc.

Membership is based on the calendar year.

Membership 2025

• Regular fee: 45 €  or $US 47
• Student* fee: 32 €  or $US 33

Conference 2025 Registration

One must be a current member 2025 to attend the conference.

• Regular – EARLY (Until April 30, 2025):  180 € or $US 190
• Student* EARLY (Until April 30, 2025): 105 € or $US 110

• Regular (By May 1, 2025): 240 € or $US 250
• Student* (By May 1, 2025): 160 € or $US 170

* Student fee: please enclose a copy of your current student ID

Paying with PayPal

Members willing to pay online can use PayPal to send their dues. Using PayPal the dues will be in Euros.
1) Download and fill the form: 2025_ICKL_Conference_PayPal
2) Pay online with PayPal
3) Send the Membership Form to ICKL Treasurer Europe, Estelle Corbière:

Paying with the US Check

1) Download and fill the form: 2025_ICKL_Conference_US
2) Send the Membership Form and your check (cashable on US banks only) to ICKL Treasurer US, Mara Frazier by postal mail (address in the form). Contact:

ICKL Attendees / LBMS Conference Daily Registration

For those willing to stay over Saturday July 19 and Sunday July 20 to the LBMS Conference, you will be able to do so for a cost of 75 US Dollars per day.
This fee does not include the Sunday Night Gala, which can be purchased separately for 100 US Dollars per person.
Payment should be done directly through LIMS and LBMS Conference organization.
Please contact, send your ICKL registration receipt, and you will get a payment link.

LBMS Attendees / ICKL Conference Daily Registration

The attendees of the International Conference on Laban Bartenieff Movement Studies (LBMS) can join the ICKL Conference with a daily fee (no membership needed), for the following days:
Monday July 14 / Tuesday July 15 / Wednesday July 16 / Thursday July 17

Per day: 60 € ou $US 65.

Paying with PayPal

Download and fill the form: 2025_ICKL_LBMS_Conference_PayPal

Paying with the US Check

Download and fill the form: 2025_ICKL_LBMS_Conference_US