Conference Proceedings
- Conference Proceedings, 1959-1977.
Proceedings of the first ten ICKL Conferences copied onto the computer and collected into one volume by Lucy Venable and Veronica Dittman. Published in 1996.
- Conference Proceedings, 1979. Chantilly, France.
- Conference Proceedings, 1981. Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Conference Proceedings, 1983. Tarrytown, New York, USA.
- Conference Proceedings, 1985. Brighton, UK.
- Conference Proceedings, 1987. Namur, Belgium.
- Conference Proceedings, 1989. Toronto, Canada.
- Conference Proceedings, 1991. Budapest, Hungary.
- Conference Proceedings, 1993. Poughkeepsie, New York, USA.
- Conference Proceedings, 1995. Paris, France.
- Conference Proceedings, 1997. Hong Kong, China.
- Conference Proceedings, 1999. Barcelona, Spain.
- Conference Proceedings, 2001. Columbus, Ohio, USA.
- Conference Proceedings, 2004. Beijing, China.
- Conference Proceedings, 2005. LABAN, London, UK.
- Conference Proceedings, 2007. Mexico DF, Mexico.
- Conference Proceedings, 2009. Bangkok, Thailand
- Conference Proceedings, 2011. Budapest, Hungary.
- Conference Proceedings, 2013. Toronto, Canada.
- Conference Proceedings, 2015. Tours, France.
- Conference Proceedings, 2017. Beijing, China.
- Conference Proceedings, 2019. Mexico DF, Mexico
- Conference Proceedings, 2022. Budapest, Hungary.
- Conference Proceedings, 2023. Seoul, South Korea.
> Proceedings from 1959 to 2017 are available online in pdf format (either scanned files or original files). Missing files: 1979, 1999.
Proceedings 2022 are available in the “Members Zone” (restricted section for current members only).
Proceedings 2019 and 2023 – in preparation.
Index of Technical Matters and Technical and Non-Technical Papers from the Biennial Conferences of the International Council of Kinetography Laban.
Compiled by Sharon Rowe, Lucy Venable, and Judy Van Zile, 1993.
60 pages.
Chapter I is an overview of technical matters considered from 1979 to 1991, what action was taken, when, and in which conference proceedings it is reported.
Chapter II is a list of technical papers presented from 1963-1991.
Chapter III is a list of non-technical papers presented from 1979-1991.
> Available on-line in pdf format.
Laban Notation Scores: An International Bibliography
Volume 1
By Mary Jane Warner with Frederick E. Warner, 1984.
382 pages.
The bibliography includes over 3000 entries of both dance and non-dance transcriptions, unfinished manuscripts and completed scores, early Kinetograms of the 1920s as well as recent notation through 1978. The listings cover score materials in institutional collections and in private hands throughout North America and Europe.
Volume 2
By Mary Jane Warner, 1988.
98 pages.
Volume 2 follows the same format as the first volume and should be used as a companion. It contains materials notated or reported since 1978.
European coverage has increased with centers from Hungary, the Netherlands and Belgium reporting their holdings.
> Available on-line in pdf format.
Volume 3
By Mary Jane Warner, 1995.
96 pages.
Volume 3 contains materials notated or reported since 1988 through 1994.
> Available on-line in pdf format.
Volume 4
By Mary Jane Warner with P. Megan Andrews, 1999.
70 pages.
Contains entries of both dance and non-dance materials, notated or reported since 1995.
> Available on-line in pdf format.