34th Biennial Conference of ICKL
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Scoring Gaps: Notating Pasts and Futures
July 14-18, 2025
(Arrival Sunday July 13)
ICKL On-site organization / Host Committee
Hannah Kosstrin, Associate Professor Dance, The Ohio State University
Mara Frazier, Assistant Professor University Libraries, The Ohio State University
Valarie Williams, Professor of Dance and Director OSU’s DNB Ext. Center (Contact) Julie Brodie, Professor of Dance and Director, Department of Theatre and Dance, Kenyon College
In Kind Support from Ohio State’s Department of Dance and University Libraries, Columbus, Ohio, USA
and Kenyon College’s Department of Theatre and Dance, Gambier, Ohio, USA
List of presentations, ignite talks, workshops, technical sessions
(By January 24, 2025, subject to change)
Arend, Anja K. (Germany); Papadopoulou, Foteini (Germany/Greece)
(Re-)Filling the Gaps: Creative Approaches to an Incomplete Score of Jean Cébron’s Séquence (1962) at the Folkwang University of the Arts.
Brodie, Julie; Frazier, Mara; Williams, Valarie (USA)
José Limón’s Missa Brevis: Collaborative Staging from Score and Community Outreach
Breuss, Rose (Austria)
Spherical Dances. Artistic Research Based on Translations in Labanotation
Chandnasaro, Dharakorn (Thailand)
Exploring Tra Saṃnipāta in Thai Classical Dance: A Labanotation Analysis of Sacred Movements
De Rosa, Sinibaldo (Italy)
Notating from the Margins: Documenting a Choreography at the Intersection of Linguistic, Religious and Ethnic Minority Groups
Drewes, Henner; Ledwig, Marius (Germany)
Dance/Music Digital & MovEngine: Structural Analysis and Animation of Dance and Movement
Gayon, Jorge (Mexico)
Rereading Rudolf Laban, for an Active Application of Qualitative Movement Analysis on performers Effort Training
Green, Doris (USA)
Towards a Better Understanding of African Music and Dance
Kosstrin, Hannah; Ralley, David (USA)
KineScribe for MacOS: Closing a Digital Scoring Gap
Kunej, Rebeka (Slovenia)
Application of Kinetography Laban in the Slovenian Folk Dance Collection: Past and Future
Ma, Yu (China)
Publications about Laban in China
Moore, Carol-Lynne (USA)
Effort Theory and Notation: A Reconsideration
Papadopoulou, Foteini (Germany/Greece)
Movement Journals/Moving Journals: Looking Into Another Year of Journaling with (and without) Kinetography Laban
Ruiz González, Raymundo (USA/Mexico)
Scoring Practices in the Early Period of the Dance Notation Bureau. An Intertextual Approach to Understand the Score Production.
Schallmann, Thomas (Germany)
Tanz Notations Archiv – Tanzschreibstube – Learning and Using Kinetography Laban / Labanotation in German Speaking Countries Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Sato, Machiko(Germany/Japan); Hashimoto, Yuko
Analyzing Trends in Academic Research Related to Laban and His Movement Theory, 1937-2024
Tai, Amy Ming Wai (USA)
Rhythm and Movement as Flow: A Bergsonian Interpretation of Laban’s Theories
Weber, Lynne; Ferguson, Sian (USA)
Notating Romeo and Juliet (MacMillan, 1965)
Williams, Valarie; Frazier, Mara; Payne, Ursula; Perkins, Crystal (USA)
Archiving Black Performance: Memory, Embodiment, and Stages of Being (Panel)
Zhang, Wei (China)
Creating the Dance Four Seasons with Laban Notation
Ignite Talks
Brodie, Julie; Harrington Delaney, Patty (USA)
Architectural Notation
CNEM members (France)
2023-2024 CNEM Activities
Fenstermacher, Hannah; Federinko, Jack (USA)
Embodied Histories: The Intersection of Archival Research and Movement in Dance
Ferguson, Sian (USA)
“What Will I Teach Today?” The Ballet Curriculum in Labanotation: A Resource for Ballet Teachers
Hutchings, Julia (USA)
Reviving History: Interpreting a Classic Through Labanotation
Mori, Catherine (USA)
Process of Learning and Notating Talley Beatty’s Mourner’s Bench
Panassié, Romain; Monrose, Fabien (France)
Who Was Richard Holden?
Vilela Abrão, Carolina (Brazil)
Danses sur papier / Dances on Paper
Currens, Eve; Brodie, Julie (USA)
Reading Appalachian Square Dances
Emory-Maier, Ambre (USA)
Introducing Labanotation in Collegiate Ballet Dance Education
Heiland, Teresa; Carrel, Jonah (USA)
Dance History Scores as Improvisation Tools
Huberman Muñiz, Miriam; Franco Lopez, María Fernanda (Mexico)
La Caravana, la Culebra and la Cruz: Reading Three Paixtle Dances from Tuxpan, Jalisco
Kovács, Henrik (Hungary)
The Depths of the Score. Reading of Different Levels of Detail on the Example of Féloláhos from Gyimes
Ruiz González, Raymundo (USA/Mexico); Faith Kimberling (USA)
Rediscovering the Bach Gavotte through Nadia Chilkovsky’s Labanotation score
Walton, Lee; Heiland, Teresa (USA)
Scores of Not Knowing: Labanotation
Technical Sessions (with Research Panel)
Focus in 2025: Scoring for Improvisation.
Ferguson, Sian (USA)
FKA twigs Eusexua: Notating Free Dance
Hermes, Karin (Switzerland); Aubert-Riffart, Béatrice; Guénon, Pascale (France)
Analysing and Notating Improvisation: A Brief History
Lu, Mei-Chen(USA/Taiwan), Simonet, Noëlle (France)
Investigating Differences Between Labanotation and Kinetography Laban
Megill, Beth (USA)
Revisiting Motif: Language of Dance and the Movement Alphabet
Simonet, Noëlle; Lenfant, Vincent (France)
Reading Improvisations
Information and travel information, by December 2024
Registration Fees
All the forms to register are there: https://ickl.org/membership/join-ickl/
One must be a current member 2025 to attend the conference.
• Regular – EARLY (Until April 30, 2025): 180 € or $US 190
• Student* EARLY (Until April 30, 2025): 105 € or $US 110
• Regular (By May 1, 2025): 240 € or $US 250
• Student* (By May 1, 2025): 160 € or $US 170
The attendees of the International Conference on Laban Bartenieff Movement Studies (LBMS) can join the ICKL Conference with a daily fee (no membership needed), for the following days:
Monday July 14 / Tuesday July 15 / Wednesday July 16 / Thursday July 17
Call for Proposals – Closed
Deadlines: August 15, 2024 (Early Submission) / October 15, 2024 (Regular Submission)
As in 2023, a single call for proposals will be issued, whether the topic concerns technical matters or applications of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation and other Laban-based concepts and methodologies. Depending on the nature of the topics, the selection committee will forward the selected proposals addressing technical matters to the Research Panel for advice and guidance to authors.
The Board of Trustees, in collaboration with the Research Panel when appropriate, will oversee the call, the evaluation of submissions, the development of the conference program for sessions as well as the overall organization of the conference in liaison with the Host Committee.
-> Download the call for proposals ICKL2025_Call_Regular.pdf
To submit a proposal, please note that one must be a member of ICKL in good standing for the year of 2024. Please visit the Membership section on our website to join or renew your membership (ickl.org/membership/join-ickl/).
Mid-July 2025 marks the historic gathering of the notation and movement analysis communities at The Ohio State University.
The 34th Biennial Conference of the International Council of Kinetography Laban/Labanotation conference kicks off this event, with sessions running Monday, July 14—Friday, July 18 (arrival Sunday July 13).
The inaugural Conference on Laban Bartenieff Movement Studies (LBMS), organized by the Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS) follows, beginning on Friday, July 18 thru Sunday, July 20.
This first day of the conference will incorporate some joint program sessions with ICKL, including a keynote address by Bebe Miller and a shared social event.
A workshop session on archival research in both fields will take place on Saturday, July 19 and Sunday, July 20.
In addition, there will be opportunities for both communities to participate in each other’s conference partially or fully.
ICKL and LIMS will each issue an independent Call for Papers to address the particular interests of the notation and movement analysis communities respectively. Session proposals on topics of interest to both communities are encouraged. Watch for additional information about both conferences in the coming months.
Intent to Attend Survey
Below you will find the link to an “Intent to attend” survey, which should allow ICKL and LIMS organizers to see the trend (as of today) in terms of our communities’ desire to participate in one and/or the other conference.
Thanks a lot to fill the form as soon as possible, even so there is still some uncertainty on your side – it will anyway help us greatly for the logistics.